📄️ Overall
ABP Commercial provides production-ready, enterprise-level application modules. See the modules page for a list and descriptions of the modules as an overview. This documentation is for developers and explains technical details of the modules.
📄️ Account
This module implements functionalities such as Login, Register, Forgot Password, Email Confirmation, Password Reset, sending and confirming Two-Factor Authentication, user lockout, and switching between tenants in an application.
📄️ Audit Logging
This module implements the Audit Logging system of an application;
📄️ Chat
This module implements real time messaging between users for an application.
📄️ CMS Kit Pro
This module extends the open-source CMS Kit module and adds additional CMS (Content Management System) capabilities to your application.
📄️ File Management
This module is used to upload, download and organize files in a hierarchical folder structure. It is also compatible to multi-tenancy and you can determine total size limit for your tenants.
📄️ Forms
This module allows you to create questionnaires to gather information. The forms module can store responses as they come in and you can export the data to a CSV file. You can share your form with others with your form unique link. You can request authentication or allow anonymous reply. It is similar to the Google Form application. Usage area is quite wide, you can create surveys, manage event registrations, collect email addresses for a newsletter, create a quiz, and even receive an order request.
This module allows users to download and delete their personal data collected by the application.
📄️ Identity
This module implements the User and Role system of an application;
📄️ OpenIddict
This module provides integration and management functionality for the OpenIddict library;
📄️ Language Management
This module implements the Language management system of an application;
📄️ Payment
Payment module implements payment gateway integration of an application. It provides one time payment and recurring payment options.
📄️ Saas
This module is used to manage your tenants and editions in multi-tenant applications;
📄️ Text Template Management
This module is used to store and edit template contents for the text templating system of the ABP framework. So, you may need to understand it to better understand the purpose of this module.