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Version: 8.0

CLI Command Samples

Raaghu CLI - Sample Commands

The raaghu command creates an raaghu solution or other artifacts based on an raaghu template. Raaghu CLI has several parameters to create a new raaghu solution. In this document we will show you some sample commands to create a new solution. All the commands starts with raaghu.

  • This project consists of the following Commands: help, new, login, login --info, logout.


  • Displays all the available commands.

Command :

raaghu help


raaghu help
Raaghu Cli

Available commands:
> raaghu help Show command line help. Write `raaghu help <command>` for particular command
> raaghu new [solution-name] Execute the New Command to Create New Raaghu Solution
> raaghu login Execute the Login Command
> raaghu login -info Execute the Login Info Command
> raaghu logout Execute the Logout Command


  • Create a new solution.

Command :

raaghu help new 


raaghu help new
Raaghu Cli

raaghu new <project-name> [options]

-v|--version <version-number> (default: latest-version)

raaghu new my-project
raaghu new my-project --version 1.0.0

Create a solution from a specific version

When you create a solution, it always creates with the latest version. To create a project from an older version, you can pass the --version or -v parameter.

  • Create a solution from v7.4.4, with Angular UI and Entity Framework Core.

    raaghu new Raaghu.BookStore --version 7.4.4
    raaghu new Raaghu.BookStore -v 7.4.4

To get the raaghu version list, checkout following link:


  • Used for login to account.

Command :

raaghu login 


raaghu login
Raaghu Cli
Enter Email: emailId
Enter Password: *******
[##################################################] 100%
License verification successful. Tool functionality can proceed.

login --info

  • Used to view the login account.

Command :

raaghu login --info


Raaghu CLI
If you need help navigating through commands, use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
Executing Login Info command...
[##################################################] 100%
emailId is active.


  • Used to logout from the account.

Command :

raaghu logout


Raaghu CLI
If you need help navigating through commands, use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
Executing Logout command...
[##################################################] 100%
emailId Logged out successfully


Generates service proxies for your HTTP APIs to make easy to consume your services from the client side. Your host (server) application must be up and running before running this command.

Command for Proxy :

raaghu generate --proxy -t
raaghu generate --proxy --template

View of Generate Proxy:

Raaghu CLI
If you need help navigating through commands, use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
Checking login credentials
emailId is logged in.
Enter URL: https://localhost:44397
Downloading swagger json...
Generating proxy...

Proxy Successfully Created.


Create is used to generate different types of pages for managing data relationships.


raaghu create --Slice


Raaghu CLI
If you need help navigating through commands, use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
Checking login credentials
emailId is logged in.
Enter Service Name: Hospital
Slice Added Successfully

To create different types of pages use the following command:


Makes a page for managing data (like adding, viewing, updating, and deleting).which checks relationships and execute accordingly.


raaghu create --CRUDPage


Raaghu CLI
If you need help navigating through commands, use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
Checking login credentials
emailId is logged in.
Enter Backend Project Path: E:\Backened\source-code-backend\aspnet-core
Enter Entity Name: Hospital

Creating component...
Need to install the following packages:
ok to proceed? (y)
rds-comp-hospital.tsx was successfully created at src/rds-comp-hospital/rds-comp-hospital.tsx
rds-comp-hospital.styled.ts was successfully created at src/rds-comp-hospital/rds-comp-hospital.styled.ts
rds-comp-hospital.test.tsx was successfully created at src/rds-comp-hospital/rds-comp-hospital.test.tsx
rds-comp-hospital.stories.tsx was successfully created at src/rds-comp-hospital/rds-comp-hospital.stories.tsx
index.ts is successfully created at src/rds-comp-hospital/index.ts
Component page is successfully created!!
Page "Hospitals" created successfully.


Add helps us for creation of new pages, components, and elements without entity data.

  • Create new Component:


raaghu add --component
raaghu add -c


Raaghu Cli
Please provide a command. Use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
raaghu add --component
Checking login credentials
emailId user is logged in.
Enter component name:
Creating component...
navbar.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.tsx
navbar.styled.ts was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.styled.ts
navbar.test.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.test.tsx
navbar.stories.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.stories.tsx
index.ts is successfully created at src/navbar/index.ts
Successfully created the navbar component
  • we can also use raaghu add -c to create new component.
  • Create new Element:


raaghu add --element
raaghu add -e


Raaghu Cli
Please provide a command. Use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
raaghu add --element
Checking login credentials
emailId user is logged in.
Enter element name:
Creating element...
navbar.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.tsx
navbar.styled.ts was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.styled.ts
navbar.test.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.test.tsx
navbar.stories.tsx was successfully created at src/navbar/navbar.stories.tsx
index.ts is successfully created at src/navbar/index.ts
Successfully created the navbar element
  • we can also use raaghu add -e to create new element.
  • Create new Page:


raaghu add --Page
raaghu add -p


Raaghu Cli
Please provide a command. Use 'raaghu help' for a list of commands.
raaghu add --page
Checking login credentials
emailId user is logged in.
Enter page name:
undefined page is successfully created!!
Successfully created the navbar page
  • we can also use raaghu add -p to create new page.