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Version: 8.0

Raaghu CLI

Raaghu CLI (Command Line Interface) is a command line tool to perform some common operations for Raaghu based solutions.


Raaghu CLI is a dotnet global tool. Install it using a command line window:

dotnet tool install -g Waiin.Raaghu.Cli
dotnet tool install --global Waiin.Raaghu.Cli

To update an existing installation:

dotnet tool update -g Waiin.Raaghu.Cli
dotnet tool update --global Waiin.Raaghu.Cli


Here, is the list of all available commands before explaining their details:

  • help: Shows help on the usage of the Raaghu CLI.
  • new: Generates a new solution based on the Raaghu.
  • generate: Generates client side proxies to use HTTP API endpoints.
  • create: Create is used to generate different types of pages for managing data relationships.
  • add: Add helps us for creation of new pages, components, and elements without entity data.
  • sync: Helps us to connect frontend to ABP backend microservices source code solution.
  • login: Authenticates on your computer with your email and password.
  • login --info: Shows the current user's login information.
  • logout: Logouts from your computer if you've authenticated before.


Shows basic usages of the Raaghu CLI.


raaghu help 


raaghu help        # Shows a general help.
raaghu help new # Shows help about the "new" command.


Generates a new solution based on the Raaghu.


raaghu new <solution-name> [options]


raaghu new Raaghu.BookStore
  • Raaghu.BookStore is the solution name here.
  • The common convention for naming a solution is like "YourCompany.YourProject." However, you can use different naming conventions such as "YourProject" (single-level namespacing) or "YourCompany.YourProduct.YourModule" (three-level namespacing).

For more samples, go to Raaghu CLI Create Solution Samples


  • --version or -v: Specify the Raaghu version. If the version is not specified, it will automatically use the latest version to create the solution.
raaghu new <solution-name> --version <version>
raaghu new <solution-name> -v <version>


raaghu new Raaghu.BookStore  --version 7.4.4
raaghu new Raaghu.BookStore  -v 7.4.4


Generates service proxies for your HTTP APIs to make easy to consume your services from the client side. Your host (server) application must be up and running before running this command.


raaghu generate [options]


  • --proxy : Used for connection.
    • -t or --template : Used to create the application template proxy.
    • -m or --microservices : Used to create the microservices proxy.


raaghu generate --proxy -t
raaghu generate --proxy --template
raaghu generate --proxy -m
raaghu generate --proxy --microservices


Create is used to generate different types of pages for managing data relationships.

  • First you need to run the Slice command to create the differnt types of crud pages :
raaghu create --Slice

To create different types of pages use the following commands:

  • create --CRUDPage: Makes a page for managing data (like adding, viewing, updating, and deleting).which checks relationships and execute accordingly.


raaghu create --CRUDPage
  • create --SimplePage: Creates a basic page, which do have any relation or dependancy on other page.


raaghu create --SimplePage
  • create --OneToMany: Creates a page for handling one to many related entities.


raaghu create --OneToMany
  • create --ManyToMany: Creates a page for handling many to many related entities.


raaghu create --ManyToMany
  • create --HybridMany: Creates a page for handling a mix of different relationships.


raaghu create --HybridMany


Add helps us for new creation of pages, components, and elements without entity data.

  • Create new Component : To create a component without associated entity data, use the following command: Usage:
raaghu add --component
raaghu add -c
  • Create new Element : To create a element without associated entity data, use the following command: Usage:
raaghu add --element
raaghu add -e
  • Create new Page : To create a page without associated entity data, use the following command: Usage:
raaghu add --page
raaghu add -p


Helps us to connect frontend to ABP backend microservices source code solution.


raaghu sync [options]


  • --abp : Connect frontend to ABP Commercial solution.
    • --microservices or -m : ABP backend microservices source code solution.


raaghu sync --abp --microservices
raaghu sync --abp -m


Some features of the CLI requires to be logged in to platform. To login with your email write:

raaghu login              #Allows you to enter your email and password(hidden)

A new login with an already active session overwrites the previous session.

  • login --info:

Shows your login information such as email .

raaghu login --info


Logs you out by removing the session token from your computer.

raaghu logout