Release Notes
Release 7.3 (Compatible with ABP commercial 7.3)
- Added a Command Line Based CRUD Page generation for different relationships such as one-to-one, one-to-many and many-to-many relationships.
- Many enhancements and fixes for the 7.2 version.
Release 7.2 (Compatible with ABP commercial 7.2)
- Added permission on Side Navigation menus for Tenant and User
- Many enhancements and fixes for the 7.2 version.
- Integration of the chat module for different users.
- Enhancements and fixes for 7.2 version
Release 7.1 (Compatible with ABP commercial 7.1)
- Allow to impersonate an arbitrary user in the SaaS module.
- Successful User can add profile picture in MyAccounts
- Many enhancements and fixes for the 7.1 version.
- Enhancements and fixes for 7.1 version
Release 7.0 (Compatible with ABP commercial 7.0)
- Application fully compatible with ABP including built-in pages such as Dashboards, Tenant, User, settings, languages and much more.
- Fully replaceable and customizable Components: Data table, File Uploader, Forms, email, etc.
- Easy to switch to light, dark and semi dark theming options.
- Adobe XD UI kit design library.
- Different language selection options are available on the Login page.
- Change language feature in dashboard and modules
- Enabled new feature of auto service proxy generation with DTO, services and schemas with different http client support.
- Custom icon library with more additions and enhancements.
- Introduction of a storybook for user to view elements, components and check behavior in different states.
- Modules integrated in the applications are mentioned in the following section.
- Implemented Localization for different Modules
- Provides a login page with username and password.
- Provides a register page to create a new account.
- Implements Identity server authentication server UI and functionality.
Audit Logging
- Provides the audit log reporting UI for the auditing infrastructure and allows to search, filter, and show audit log entities and entity change logs.
- Consist critical data about each client request such as HTTP method, HTTP return status , request execution duration and the success failure respectively.
- Includes Pages like Tenant and Edition
- Allows to manage tenants where a tenant is a customer of your application.
- Allows to create editions where an edition can have different feature set of your application assigned to tenants.
- Allow host users to change the password of a user of a tenant.
- Create multiple blogs in a single application.
- Provides a page management system to manage dynamic pages.
- A blog system to create blogs and publish posts.
- Tag system to tag any kind of resources, like blog posts.
- Comment system to add comments feature to any kind of resource, like blog posts.
File Management
- It is used to upload and organize files in a hierarchical folder structure.
- This module is based on BLOB Storing system, where it can use different storage providers for storing file contents.
- Create surveys, manage event registrations, collect email addresses for a newsletter , create a pop quiz or even get an order request.
- Manages role and users in the system wherein user is allowed to have multiple roles.
- Allows permissions in role and user levels.
- Enable/disable two factor authentication and user lockout per user.
- Manage basic user profile and password.
- Manages claim types in the system , set claims to role and users.
- Setting page to manage password complexity, user sign-in, account and lockout.
- Supports social login interactions (Microsoft, Google, Twitter.)
Language Management
- Manages application languages and localization texts.
- Dynamically add or remove languages.
- Dynamically change all texts on the UI
- Features like add, remove, update the language
- Includes a language text that translates the application’s UI to a new language or update texts for an existing language.
- Includes pages like Application and Scopes
- Application Page providing features like add or edit applications
- A set of range of permissions available on applications list page
- Features includes integration for payment gateways
- Supports one-time or recurring payments