Running the Solution
ABP Backend Solution
1. Modifications in appsettings.json file
Change the CorsOrigins, RedirectAllowedUrls in the appsettings.json file under the **.HttpApi.Host project.
"CorsOrigins": "http://localhost:8080",
"RedirectAllowedUrls": "http://localhost:8080"
The CorsOrigins setting defines the allowed origins for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). This setting allows requests from the specified origins. In this configuration, 'http://localhost:8080' is included to allow requests from a local development server, typically used for development and testing purposes. RedirectAllowedUrls setting is used to define a whitelist of safe domains to which redirection is permitted
2. Run the DbMigrator
3. Run the Application (navigate to swagger/index.html)
Raaghu Frontend Solution
1. Run the command on the root directory of your solution to install the dependencies
npm run install-all
2. Generate Proxy
raaghu generate --proxy -t
raaghu generate --proxy --template
For more information look at Generate Proxy
3. Run the command on the root directory to run the solution
npm run start --projects=host,rds-page-home,rds-page-login,rds-page-dashboard,rds-page-tenant
Above command will run the following pages
- rds-page-home
- rds-page-login
- rds-page-dashboard
- rds-page-tenant